This is us
At the heart of ModH is an awesome father-daughter team. We’re passionate about good design and making our client’s dreams a reality.

Foord Ceronio
Professional Architect
Foord is a professional Architect with more than 30 years of practical experience.
He holds a BA Fine Arts (Sculpture) and M Arch (Prof) (Architecture) from the University of Pretoria . Foord is passionate about good architectural design and is excellent with creating beautiful custom spaces that our clients love.
Nikita van Zyl
Founder, Professional S.Arch.T.
Nikita founded ModH design in 2014 after gaining practical experience in the field.
She studied BSc Architecture at the University of Pretoria and worked for a practice in Paarl and in Newlands before taking the leap to start her own practice. She loves working in a team and to create spaces that makes people’s lives better.
About ModH Design
ModH is an architectural design company that prides itself on excellent architect design for residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. We aim to create beautiful spaces with informed design principles, executed with ethical business practice and responsible construction management. Architecture is the design of the built environment to allow for an aesthetically pleasing end product that is financially informed. Our design principles are modern, clean lines and forms that are environmentally informed and well placed using the honest expression of materials.
ModH lewer argiteks dienste met die oog op uitnemendheid. Argitek dienste en ontwerp vir residensiële, kommersiële en industriële geboue, vanaf konsep deur indiening tot by boutekeninge. Ons mikpunt is vorm en funksionaliteit. Inspirerende spasies ingelig deur standvastige ontwerps beginsels, etiese praktyke en verantwroodelike konstruksie bestuur. Argitektuur is die ontwerp van die bou-omgewing wat skoonheid na vore bring ensteeds sensitief is teenoor die koste – finansiëel en andersins. ModH Design se uitgangspunt is moderne, skoon lyne, kontemporêre benaderings, ekologiese verantwoordbaarheid en eerlike uitdrukking deur middel van materiale.